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The Wyoming Community Foundation and the Wyoming Nonprofit Network are thrilled to announce the merger of both organizations' biennial conferences into one dynamic annual learning event, with the Wyoming Nonprofit Network leading the charge.

The 2024 Wyoming Nonprofit Conference will be held May 14-15-16 in Casper. Featuring two dynamic keynote speakers, a diverse array of breakout sessions and workshops, a thoughtfully designed facilitated learning forum, and ample networking opportunities, this conference serves as a powerful catalyst for professional development and a platform to foster meaningful connections.

At-a Glance Schedule:

May 14

3:00 pm to 5:00 pm WyoGives Pre-Session
3:00 pm to 6:30 pm Registration check-in

May 15

7:00 am – 4:00 pm Breakfast/Keynotes/Lunch/Concurrent Sessions
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Chat & Chill at area restaurants

May 16

7:00 am – 12:00 pm Breakfast/Plenary Presentations and Facilitated Session

Full Schedule Here


Mallory Erickson
The Connection Imperative: A New Paradigm for Growth and Impact

In a time where the craving for meaningful connections intersects with the rise of digital interaction, Mallory Erickson's keynote shines a light on the pivotal role of genuine relationships in both personal growth and organizational success. She delves into the scientific underpinnings of our need for connection during crucial moments in our and our communities' journeys, highlighting how connections with ourselves, our teams, within the nonprofit sector's ecosystem, and with our community of supporters, not only intertwine but also amplify each other's impact.

Mallory Erickson is an executive coach, fundraising consultant, and host of the podcast "What the Fundraising", designed to support nonprofit leaders in fundamentally changing the way they lead and fundraise. Through her signature framework, the Power Partners Formula™️, Mallory provides unique tools to help nonprofits increase their fundraising efforts. As of 2022, she has trained over 60,000 fundraisers using this innovative framework, combining best practices from executive coaching, science-backed behavior design, and fundraising strategy. If you aspire to transform your approach to fundraising and gain clarity on your next steps, Mallory's work is for you.

Corey Ciocchetti
Inspire Integrity: Chase an Authentic Life

Corey’s most popular keynote on ethics encourages audiences to chase the truly important things in life such as a solid character, strong personal relationships and a sense of contentment. These “real rabbits” are compared and contrasted to more fleeting worldly success such as excessive wealth, popularity, and prestige. Audience members leave with a better sense of what it takes to develop integrity, set priorities, gain a big-picture perspective, and chase an authentic life. By the end, Corey promises that this will be one of the most powerful and motivational speeches you have ever heard.

Serving as the Bill Daniels Professor of Business Ethics and Legal Studies at the University of Denver, Corey Ciocchetti is one of the University’s most popular and highest-rated professors. Corey joined DU after graduating with a law degree from Duke University School of Law, a Masters degree in Religious Studies and two Bachelors degrees in Finance and Economics—summa cum laude—from the University of Denver. Corey is a talented speaker and teacher and has won multiple teaching and speaking awards including the Outstanding Professor of the Year Award and the Joel Goldman Award for most respected speaker on the CAMPUSPEAK roster. In 2023, he was named as one of the Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professors in the country. Corey currently teaches classes on business law and ethics in a department ranked by the Wall Street Journal and Business Week in the top ten nationwide for producing students with high ethical standards.

Presented in Partnership with: 


The Tate Foundation


Early-Bird Registration fee for WNN members $150 per person - Open until March 31st

Regular Registration Fee for WNN members
$175 per person - April 1 to April 30

Not-Yet Members
$200 per person - Open until April 30

Registration closes April 30. 

Contact for Questions

Katherine Ratigan, Communications and Program Manager

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be made by April 30 to receive a refund (registration fee minus a processing fee of $20). Your registration can be transferred at any time to someone else if you are unable to attend. Please email us or call 307-772-9050 to cancel or transfer your registration.

Conference Location:
Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center
Casper, WY

Room Block:

We have reserved a block of rooms at the Ramkota Hotel; $83/night. The block will be released on April 14, 2024.

To make reservations call the Ramkota Hotel and Conference Center directly at 307-266-6000. Please reference the Wyoming Nonprofit Network when booking.

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Wyoming Nonprofit Network
822 West 23rd Street, Unit A
Cheyenne, WY  82001
(307) 772-9050

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